更长、更强、更漂亮的头发:每份生物素软糖中含有 5,000 微克的额外强度生物素(维生素 B7),可为您的头发、皮肤和指甲提供最佳支持;在方便、美味的发胶维生素中获得生物素的所有好处
CNV 创造了一种具有双重作用配方的产品,其中包含最高质量的全天然成分,包括生物素和生育酚乙酸酯,它们被认为是头发再生产品中最重要的成分。它还包含许多其他经过临床测试的成分的协同草药混合物,每种成分都具有促进头发生长和防止脱发的独特益处。
100% 天然成分的混合物针对脱发的根本原因,同时提供关键营养素以促进健康的新生长。
生物素也称为维生素 B7,不仅可以促进头发健康生长,还可以防止头发干燥。此外,生物素增加弹性,从而防止和减少头发断裂,有助于促进头发和新皮肤细胞的生长。对于脱发的人来说,服用额外的生物素可以帮助他们的头发长得更长、更健康、更浓密。
CNV 生发素 具有最有效剂量的生物素(5000 微克),可提供针对头发生长的头发解决方案,同时防止头发断裂。
生育酚乙酸酯是维生素 E 中最强和最有效的形式,是一种已知的抗氧化剂。维生素 E 使暗淡和柔软的头发充满活力,使头发生长更饱满有光泽。
头发生长支持是一种经过临床测试的高质量补充剂,含有复合维生素 B、维生素 A、生物素、铁、锌、醋酸生育酚等成分,可促进头发生长。
I bought them later September and started taking them on October 1st, I didnt dye my hair since I wanted to see how much growth I would have and now, 13 days later you can see the progress. The hair feels stronger and does not fall out that often as it used to. 10000% recommended this gummies!!!
I bought them later September and started taking them on October 1st, I didnt dye my hair since I wanted to see how much growth I would have and now, 13 days later you can see the progress. The hair feels stronger and does not fall out that often as it used to. 10000% recommended this gummies!!!
Tasty little cute nail growth vitamins, value for the price and feels like eating gummy bear candy almost!
I highly recommend this product! I noticed the results within a month, my hair was thinning and shedding really bad, I was also balding on both sides. I decided to try these pills and by the following month the shedding and thinning stopped and after 3 months my hair is thicker, healthier, shiny, and most of all my hair is growing back!!! Update a year after using the product my hair went from thinning shoulder length to thick and down my back this product is awesome!!!!
i am 80 years old and I was getting thin hair until I started using this. I love it. No more bald spots!!!